But What About Me?

Have you ever felt forgotten about in life? Maybe by a friend, a lover, a job, a family member, by God? Me too. I think this is a feeling that everyone goes through at least once in their lifetime. It hurts. You feel like you are doing everything right, following the "rules" of life, but for some reason, life just has your number. You try and turn left and something terrible is around that corner. You try and turn right and something terrible is around that corner as well so you find yourself giving up. You find yourself crying out to God saying "but what about me?". Everyone else that you know seems to be winning in life, but you? It seems that you keep coming up with losses. I have felt that way as well in my life as well. I have said "but what about me?" probably more times than I can count. I find myself getting tested and worn out by life the older I get. And the worst is when things look like they begin to get better then life says "psych". Yeah, I have been there too, but you know what keeps me going? The fact that I know tough times do not last forever. I know that each one of life's tests is a lesson for by next step in life. We go through things to make us stronger for the next chapter of our lives. 

"But what about me?". Maybe you are say that now. Allow me to be an encouragement to you. You are going through whatever it is that you are going through now so that you can possibly help someone else who is going through the same thing. You are experiencing those losses so that one day you can share your story with someone and share how you overcame that loss, so you can share how you got your win. Someone is looking up to you and seeing how you are handling life's curveballs. It's tough to keep a smile on your face during the tough times. I know that all too well. The people that know you best though will know that you are struggling and they will know that you want to give up, but they will also be the ones that keep holding you up. They will be cheering you on from a distance. Why? Because people cannot go through tough times alone no matter how strong you are. You get tired from being strong all the time. So when "but what about me?" comes creeping in your head, remember this: you are being equipped to face the next chapter of your life. Face life head on and tell it that you are here to win!

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